Corporate Social Responsibility
Etisalat is a global company that takes to heart the cultures, traditions and ways of life in all the markets in which we operate. Our connection with our customers across the world runs deeper than mere business associations. We are committed to helping shape and build communities, and improving livelihoods and aspirations for the future. We believe that our success can only follow the success of the people and economies we actively support. While our services and technologies keep customers connected, we also have initiatives that keep people safe and healthy and open doors for learning and exploring new opportunities. We help people develop their businesses, enhance relationships, build new friendships, come up with fresh ideas and keep abreast of rapid changes. Our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program is centered on environment and health. Through our many initiatives we share the hopes and dreams of the communities where we work, as well as help overcome problems and adversities that hinder or prevent progress, wellbeing and happiness.
Corporate Social Responsibility represents an on-going commitment for Etisalat Misr. The company which is a participating member of the United Nations Global Compact has revolutionized the concepts of CSR, introducing trends like “Cause based CSR” and leading several initiatives in the fields of environment, special needs, humanitarian aid and sustainable development.
Providing clean water in Egypt has been a major focus for Etisalat through its “Origin” program. The nation-wide program is run in association with international organizations and development agencies.
Although the highlight of Etisalat Misr’s program is “origin” initiative, there are several other initiatives like the sponsorship of the Egyptian Paralympics committee and the creation of “Ro’ya” the special tariff for the users of sign language that utilizes the Etisalat technological edge and wide 3G coverage.