Tired of searching for the best doctor, lawyer, mechanic or plumber? is the first and largest directory enabling users to find the best service provider for any need (doctor, lawyer, mechanic, plumber, etc.), determined through reviews and testimonials by other users.

Furthermore, the user can find a desired product, whether new or used (phone, car, etc.), at the best price.

If you have your own business, you can get the following benefits:
  • Get listed in Egypt’s largest directory for small business.
  • Have your own short-number.
  • Get 1,000 Advertising SMS for free when you register.


Saytar 3al za7ma
Now with from Etisalat you won't get jammed in traffic anymore; with simple clicks you can know the status of your route on the Go and even have a daily SMS telling you what your route looks like in a specific time.

  • Select option 1 "From-to inquiry" to inquire about the blocked roads between 2 districts for 30pts per inquiry.
  • Select option 2 "Inquire on certain road" to inquire about the traffic status of a specific road for 30pts per inquiry.
  • Select option 3 "alerts service" to subscribe to any 5 routes enabling you to receive a daily SMS informing you of the subscribed routes' conditions to avoid crowd roads and help you plan your daily trip to and from work. The alerts service is for 5 LE for 5 alerts per month.
  • To opt-out from the service, please send empty SMS to 7417.
  • Enjoy more options when you download Wasalny application with Etisalat.


Now, Etisalat subscribers can take full control of their communication needs.

Saytar is the first application of its kind in Egypt; no other telecom operator or service provider has presented its subscribers with a fully fledged account management (selfCare) application.

Saytar Application is available for the following devices:

Compatible with iOS 4 , 5 & 6
Compatible with Android OS 2.3 to 4.0
Compatible with Bold 9700, Bold 9780, Bold 9790, Curve 9360, Curve 9320, Bold 9900
Compatible with Android Tablet

This application offers subscribers access to their Etisalat accounts, where they can:

Manage different services

View their bills

Redeem MORE loyalty points/gifts

Report instantly any kind of network problem they face

Locate the nearest payment spots wherever they are

Register in Etisalat SelfCare (Including Change & Forgot password option)

Rate plan Migration

Browse & buy call tone.

Subscribe and unsubscribe from existing alert services
Have a most used actions tab

Non-Etisalat voice customers can also benefit from the application:
  • Managing their Etisalat Data SIM or ADSL accounts.
  • Receiving a personalized feed from Etisalat notification center to check latest news and promotions.

To enjoy using Saytar please use your selfcare account credentials.
If you are not registered on selfcare, please register and start using Saytar now.